Newsletters of the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America, Inc., 1959-1964
AFSCA was founded in 1959 by Gabriel Green and grew out of the Los Angeles Interplanetary Study Groups, which Green started in 1956. That year he also began a magazine, Thy Kingdom Come. Green became interested in UFOs after his own purported sighting. He intended AFSCA to create public acceptance of UFOs, so he planned petitions to Congress and held national conventions. AFSCA peaked in the early 1960s with 5,000 members in 24 countries. In 1959 Thy Kingdom Come was renamed World Report (1959-61), then UFO International (1962-65). A second periodical, Flying Saucers International, began in 1962 and continued until 1969. Green believed extraterrestrials planned to impart advanced knowledge to Earth to resolve world problems. By 1969, AFSCA largely ceased to exist.