Oscar Stonorov, Frank Lloyd Wright and group viewing Broadacre City model at "Sixty Years of Living Architecture" exhibit, Florence, Italy, 1951

The exhibit featured a model of Wright's "Broadacre City" which represented Wright’s radical idea to resettle the entire U.S. population onto individual homesteads. The 12 x 12 foot model was meant as a prototype not as an actual building project. Wright envisioned that the low-density community represented in the model would be replicated across the U.S., creating a network of small communities connected by highways and telecommunication systems, such as radio and telephone. Wright presented the idea in his book The Disappearing City in 1932. The model along with ten collateral models made their first appearance as the center­piece of a National Alliance of Arts and Industry Exposition at Rockefeller Center on April 14, 1935. Stonorov is shown wearing light-colored suit and bow tie and Frank Lloyd Wright is wearing plaid scarf. 

Resource Identifier
Oscar Stonorov Collection, Collection No. 4375, Box 51, Folder 19, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
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