Lyle and Florence Brothers

Lyle and Florence Brothers ran a nutrition consulting business out of their home in Florida. They also had an interest in Republican and Libertarian politics and collected literature related to the subject. The collection includes a wide variety of pamphlets, brochures and other materials, including copies of the “Eagle Forum” newsletters. The Eagle Forum was the organization founded by activist Phyllis Schlafly to promote conservative women’s and family issues in public policy. The newsletters and newspaper articles in the collection provide insights into the attitudes of those opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment. 

"What's Wrong With 'Equal Rights' for Women?", February 1972

These articles from "The Phyllis Schlafly Report" criticize the Equal Rights Amendment, arguing it would dismantle protections for women and disrupt societal norms. Schlafly claims the ERA would force women into military combat roles, undermine family structures, and eliminate labor laws designed to protect women from exploitative working conditions. 

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 60, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Claims and Counterclaims On the Equal Rights Amendment"

The document outlines arguments for and against the Equal Rights Amendment, prepared by the Mississippi Committee for the Retention and Protection of Women's Rights. Opponents of the ERA claim it will disrupt traditional family roles, impose new financial burdens on women, and could lead to unintended negative consequences while proponents argue that the ERA will ensure equal pay, legal rights, and eliminate gender-based discrimination.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 57, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

STOP ERA brochure

This brochure, distributed by STOP ERA, is representative of materials published by organizations opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 58, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"How The Voters Were Fooled About ERA"

This document, published by the Eagle Forum, an organization dedicated to defeating the Equal Rights Amendment, links the Massachusetts State Equal Rights Amendment to abortion.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 56, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Questions and Answers

This Eagle Forum document provides questions and answers about the impact of the Equal Rights Amendment on women in the military. The Eagle Forum was opposed to the ERA.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 56, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter March 1976

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, highlights significant victories against the Equal Rights Amendment in Virginia and Kentucky. It also urges readers to write to women's magazines to demand balanced coverage on the ERA issue. It encourages anti-ERA activism to match the intensity and financial commitment of pro-ERA advocates.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter December 1976

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, reports on the Mormon Church's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. It also includes reprints of two newspaper articles about the ERA.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter July 1978

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, reports that Illinois has defeated the Equal Rights Amendment for the seventh straight year.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter August 1978

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, claims proof of a link between abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment. It also calls the push by ERA proponents to extend the deadline for ERA ratification unfair.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter April 1979

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, reports on the success of the Stop ERA Movement in keeping the Equal Rights Amendment from ratification by the states.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

"Eagle Forum" Newsletter August 1980

This newsletter, published by the Eagle Forum, under the direction of Phyllis Schlafly, highlights lessons learned in the campaign to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment. It also accuses the men on the Republican National Committee and the Ronald Reagan campaign staff for having no idea how to handle the ERA issue.

Resource Identifier
Lyle and Florence Brothers papers, Collection No. 8287, Box 17, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming