Alan K. Simpson

Alan K. Simpson was a Wyoming politican. A Republican, he served as a United States Senator from 1979 to 1997. He was appointed to the post following the resignation of Senator Clifford P. Hansen, and he was subsequently re-elected. Simpson’s papers contain memos related to his position on the Equal Rights Amendment and to hearings held in the U.S. Senate on the ERA in 1983 and 1984. He voted against the ERA while serving in the Wyoming legislature but stated that he strongly favored "the concept of equal rights for women -- especially equal pay for equal work."


Memorandum regarding "ERA - Subcommittee Referral", April 14, 1983

Phyllis Schafly, who opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, tried to have hearings on the ERA referred to the U.S. Senate's Separation of Powers Subcommittee. Her attempt to influence the subcommittee referal process is indicative of her political savy. Ultimately, the hearings were held by the Senate's Constitution Subcommittee.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 321, folder 14, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memorandum regarding "Constitution Subcommittee Hearing on ERA; Chaired by Senator Hatch", May 26, 1983

Senator Orrin Hatch, who chaired the Constitution Subcommitee Hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment, was opposed to the ERA.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 321, folder 14, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memorandum regarding "Today's Hearing On The ERA Legislation", September 13, 1983

These notes outline the testimony of two witnesses called before the U.S. Senate's Constitution Subcommittee. The topic of the hearing was the likely impact on single-sexed education, should the ERA be ratified.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 321, folder 14, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memorandum regarding "Hearing January 24 On The Impact Of The ERA Upon Abortion Rights Before The Subcommittee On The Constitution", January 25, 1984

These notes outline the testimony of two witnesses called before the U.S. Senate's Constitution Subcommittee, one pro-ERA and one anti-ERA. The topic of the hearing was the likely impact on abortion rights, should the ERA be ratified.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 321, folder 14, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memorandum regarding "Constitution Subcommittee Hearing on the Impact of the ERA Upon Homosexual Rights", May 23, 1984

These notes outline the topics covered in the U.S. Senate's Constitution Subcommittee Hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment and the impact that ratification of the ERA might have on the rights of homosexuals.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 321, folder 14, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Digest of Senate Journal of the Forty-Second State Legislature of Wyoming, January 9 - February 24, 1973

The text of the resolution that passed both branches of the Wyoming State Legislature ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment for the State of Wyoming on January 24, 1973.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 323, folder 13, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Letter from sponsors of the Equal Rights Amedment in the U.S. Senate to colleagues, January 12, 1995

This letter explains the continued need for the Equal Rights Amendment and the plan to reintroduce it, once again, in the U.S. Senate in 1995. The reintroduction was largely symbolic and did not gain traction.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 323, folder 13, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memo from Marianne to Senator Alan K. Simpson regarding the Equal Rights Amendment, July 15, 1982

This memo outlines both the background on the Equal Rights Amendment and Simpson's (referred to as AKS in the memo) position on the ERA based on past statements. Simpson did not vote for the ERA as a member of the Wyoming State Legislature, but strongly favors "the concept of equal rights for women -- especially equal pay for equal work."

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 317, folder 8, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Memo from Marianne to Senator Alan K. Simpson regarding the Sensenbrenner Amendment to the Equal Rights Amendment, May 9, 1984

A Representative from Wisconsin, James Sensenbrenner, led the opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. This memo addresses the Sensenbrenner amendment to the ERA and  Simpson's position on it.

Resource Identifier
Alan K. Simpson papers, Collection No. 10449, Box 317, folder 8, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming